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غارنييه Garnier Skinactive ماء مايسيلي المنظف غني بالزيت 400 مل

53.00 30.00% off
هل تحتاج الى مساعدة في الاختيار؟
SKU : 68621

مزيل المكياج المقاوم للماء رقم 1 المفضل من قبل المرأة العربية *

منظف الكل في واحد لوجهك وعينيك وشفتيك بزيت الأرجان: يزيل 96٪ من المكياج بقطعة قطن واحدة حتى لو كانت مقاومة للماء ** + ينظف + يلطف. لجميع أنواع البشرة حتى الحساسة.

  • Suitable for face, eyes & lips
  • Shake and apply on to your face, eyes, and lips with soaked cotton pads
  • Leave it for 5 seconds then wipe your makeup gently without rubbing or rinsing

  • Removes 96% of make-up with one cotton pad, even waterproof** + Cleanses + Soothes
  • Number 1 Preferred Waterproof Make-Up Remover by Arab Women*
  • No rubbing needed; wihtout residues
  • With Morrocan Argan Oil
  • Non-greasy; Optimal tolerance

At BinSina we believe that beauty starts inside out. BinSina provides exceptional customized services in beauty, well-being, nutrition, wellness, and health to people in the UAE and Oman. We have a wide selection of scientifically developed products in various categories such as Nutrition, over the counter (OTC) medicines, Skincare, Makeup, Wellness Products etc to support your path to the best possible health and fitness. Go to https://www.binsina.ae/en/faq for any queries related to your orders, return & exchange policy, payment and more. Call BinSina Pharmacy on 800BINSINA (2467462) or message us on WhatsApp, Facebook or Instagram to reach us anytime and anywhere in UAE.

Garnier Skinactive Micellar Cleansing Water With Oil 400ml
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