وزارة الصحة ووقاية المجتمع ترخيص رقم: DLV3GF2R-130922
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Organyc Panty-Liners Flat, Light Flow 24'S

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GAL ON THE GO - You’re on the move. There’s a big presentation at work, your oldest has a soccer game and you need to pick up your youngest from gymnastics. It’s going to be a DAY and the last thing that you want to be worrying about is whether your panty liner will hold up for all the tasks on your list. A lot of things can go sideways in the course of a day, your panty liner shouldn’t be one of them. You can trust that Organyc panty liners will keep you comfortable and protected. CHOICES CHOICES CHOICES - It’s ok to go against the grain, to swim upstream, to eschew mainstream choices and forge your own path. You’ve done that your whole life, why not make those same out of the box choices when it comes to your feminine care? Just because something is popular, doesn’t make it right for you. NEVER SETTLE - You don’t settle for less anywhere in your life, why would you settle for less when it comes to your feminine care? You can trust that you’re doing right by your environment, right by your family and right by yourself when you choose Organyc panty liners.

The product description information provided above is intended solely as an indicative reference and has been sourced from the respective product manufacturer and/or supplier. While we make every effort to ensure the accuracy of this information, it is important to note that it may be subject to inherent limitations, potentially resulting in incomplete or inaccurate details regarding the product. We strongly advise treating this information as a basic guide and recommend verifying the specifics of the product upon its physical receipt. This includes details regarding proper application, potential side effects, ingredients, and any guidelines or warnings. If you have any questions or concerns about the product, please contact one of our in-store pharmacists or call 800BINSINA for further assistance.

  • 100% CERTIFIED ORGANIC COTTON - No chemicals, pesticides, or toxic materials; just pure natural cotton. Clinically proven to protect sensitive skin
  • RESPECT SENSITIVE SKIN - Organyc is committed to providing the highest quality cotton products, and designed with sensitive skin in mind
  • HYPOALLERGENIC - The cotton used in Organyc Feminine Liners is 100% biodegradable and constructed of compostable-organic cotton and bleached without chlorine, no latex, no parabens, no perfumes, no SAP and no plastics or man-made materials
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