وزارة الصحة ووقاية المجتمع ترخيص رقم: DLV3GF2R-130922
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Pyridoxin-40Mg Tabs 20'S

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SKU : 7192

Pyridoxine is a vitamin. It can be found in certain foods such as cereals, beans, vegetables, liver, meat, and eggs. It canalso be made in a laboratory.Pyridoxine is used for preventing and treating low levels of pyridoxine (pyridoxine deficiency) and the “tired blood” (anemia) that may result. It is also used for heart disease; high cholesterol; reducing blood levels of homocysteine, a chemical that might be linked to heart disease; and helping clogged arteries stay open after a balloon procedure to unblock them (angioplasty)

The product description information provided above is intended solely as an indicative reference and has been sourced from the respective product manufacturer and/or supplier. While we make every effort to ensure the accuracy of this information, it is important to note that it may be subject to inherent limitations, potentially resulting in incomplete or inaccurate details regarding the product. We strongly advise treating this information as a basic guide and recommend verifying the specifics of the product upon its physical receipt. This includes details regarding proper application, potential side effects, ingredients, and any guidelines or warnings. If you have any questions or concerns about the product, please contact one of our in-store pharmacists or call 800BINSINA for further assistance.

For vitamin B6 deficiency in adults: the typical dose is 2.5-25 mg daily for three weeks, then 1.5-2.5 mg per day as maintenance treatment. For vitamin B6 deficiency in women taking birth control pills: the dose is 25-30 mg per day. For symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS): the daily dose is 50-100 mg. Doses as high as 500 mg per day have been used, but daily doses over 100 mg do not appear to have additional benefit, and may increase the risk for harmful side effects. For hereditary sideroblastic anemia: initially 200-600 mg per day is used, decreasing to 30-50 mg daily after improvement. For kidney stones: 25-500 mg daily has been used. For treating tardive dyskinesia: 100 mg per day has been increased weekly up to 400 mg per day, given in two divided doses. For preventing macular degeneration: 50 mg daily in combination with vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) 1000 mcg, and folic acid 2500 mcg. For nausea during pregnancy: 10-25 mg pyridoxine three or four times daily has been used; alternatively, 75 mg of sustained-release pyridoxine combined with 12 mcg vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin), 1 mg folic acid, and 200 mg calcium (PremesisRx) is used daily as an FDA-approved prescription product for nausea during pregnancy.

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