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قناع الطين المنقي منSkinCeuticals سكينسوتيكالز60 جم

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قناع الطين المنقي من سكينسوتيكالز ، بفضل محتواه من الطين الطبيعي ، يمتص الدهون ويزيل الشوائب ويفتح المسام. كما أنه يحتوي على أحماض هيدروكسي المقشرة تقضي على الخلايا الميتة وتقلل من خطوط التعبير والتجاعيد وتساعد على تحسين زيادة التصبغ عن طريق تقليل البقع الجلدية. يتكون من مستخلصات نباتية تعمل على تلطيف وتنعيم البشرة المتهيجة.

  • Incorporate a Clarifying Clay Mask into your routine once a week for optimal results. Apply a generous coat of Clarifying Clay Mask to a clean face, avoiding the eye and lip area. Allow mask to remain on for 10-15 minutes. Rinse with warm water and pat skin dry.

  • Purifies and decongests pores to remove excess oil
  • Combines kaolin and bentonite clays + 2% mixed fruit extract for effective exfoliation
  • Soothes and calms the skin with aloe and chamomile
  • Helps reduce the appearance of blemishes when used weekly
  • Gently exfoliates dead skin cells with a hydroxy acid blend
  • Lifts impurities and absorbs excess oils for smoother skin
  • Hydrates the skin while purifying and clarifying its appearance

At BinSina we believe that beauty starts inside out. BinSina provides exceptional customized services in beauty, well-being, nutrition, wellness, and health to people in the UAE and Oman. We have a wide selection of scientifically developed products in various categories such as Nutrition, over the counter (OTC) medicines, Skincare, Makeup, Wellness Products etc to support your path to the best possible health and fitness. Go to https://www.binsina.ae/en/faq for any queries related to your orders, return & exchange policy, payment and more. Call BinSina Pharmacy on 800BINSINA (2467462) or message us on WhatsApp, Facebook or Instagram to reach us anytime and anywhere in UAE.

SkinCeuticals Clarifying Clay Masque 60g
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