وزارة الصحة ووقاية المجتمع ترخيص رقم: DLV3GF2R-130922
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سكينسوتيكالز ريتينول SkinCeutical 0.1 مل30

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يعتبر الريتينول 1.0 مثاليًا للبشرة التي تعاني من مشاكل وتلف الشمس والتي تم تهيئتها مسبقًا باستخدام الريتينول 0.5. يتكون هذا الكريم الليلي من أعلى تركيز بنسبة 1.0٪ من الريتينول النقي، وقد تم تحسينه بأحدث تقنيات التثبيت والتوصيل لضمان إطلاق ثابت ومتساوٍ لأقصى تركيز متاح. ثبت أن الريتينول 1.0 يقلل من ظهور الخطوط الدقيقة والتجاعيد وتغير لون البشرة مع تقليل التشققات وظهور المسام.

  • In the evening, apply a pea size amount to clean, dry skin, avoiding the eye area. Allow product to absorb before applying other skincare products.
  • NOTE: Retinol may increase photosensitivity. Always use a high-protection, broad spectrum sunscreen when using retinol cream.
  • It is recommended that users begin with lower-concentration retinol creams with Retinol 0.3 and then to Retinol 0.5 to establish skin tolerance and avoid irritation.

  • Promotes the renewal of skin cells for a healthier appearance
  • Helps clear out clogged pores, reducing breakouts
  • Removes dead skin cells, improving overall texture
  • Stimulates collagen, helping to reduce fine lines and wrinkles
  • Diminishes discoloration for a more even complexion
  • Top retinol cream that leaves skin looking fresh and revitalized

At BinSina we believe that beauty starts inside out. BinSina provides exceptional customized services in beauty, well-being, nutrition, wellness, and health to people in the UAE and Oman. We have a wide selection of scientifically developed products in various categories such as Nutrition, over the counter (OTC) medicines, Skincare, Makeup, Wellness Products etc to support your path to the best possible health and fitness. Go to https://www.binsina.ae/en/faq for any queries related to your orders, return & exchange policy, payment and more. Call BinSina Pharmacy on 800BINSINA (2467462) or message us on WhatsApp, Facebook or Instagram to reach us anytime and anywhere in UAE.

SkinCeuticals Retinol 1.0 30ml
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