وزارة الصحة ووقاية المجتمع ترخيص رقم: DLV3GF2R-130922
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يورياج هيسياك Uriage Hyseac سائل + مؤشر SPF50+ - 50 مل

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SKU : 46678

يورياج هيسياك سائل بعامل حماية 50+ 50 مل يوفر حماية كاملة من الأشعة فوق البنفسجية الطويلة (أ) والأشعة فوق البنفسجية (ب) لمجموعة من أنواع البشرة الدهنية، بينما يرطب البشرة ويزيل لمعانها. مضاد للشوارد الحرة، له خصائص تتكيف مع البشرة الدهنية: تأثير غير لامع ومرطب مكثف. غير دهني، قوامه الخفيف يتغلغل بسرعة ويضمن متعة الاستخدام المتكررة في كل تطبيق.

  • Apply a sufficient amount evenly before going out in the sun. Reapply every two hours.

  • Protects against premature skin ageing and may help prevent certain skin cancers
  • Offers free radical defense and skin hydration
  • Beautiful texture ensures that you will enjoy using it again and again
  • Gets quickly absorbed and guarantees a non-sticky finish
  • Leaves your skin satin smooth, moisturizing your dry skin
  • Serves as your personal guard against harmful sun rays
  • 100% suited to the problems of combination to oily skin

At BinSina we believe that beauty starts inside out. BinSina provides exceptional customized services in beauty, well-being, nutrition, wellness, and health to people in the UAE and Oman. We have a wide selection of scientifically developed products in various categories such as Nutrition, over the counter (OTC) medicines, Skincare, Makeup, Wellness Products etc to support your path to the best possible health and fitness. Go to https://www.binsina.ae/en/faq for any queries related to your orders, return & exchange policy, payment and more. Call BinSina Pharmacy on 800BINSINA (2467462) or message us on WhatsApp, Facebook or Instagram to reach us anytime and anywhere in UAE.

Uriage Hyseac SPF 50+ Fluid 50ml
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