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Carrot Sun Carrot Tanning Spray 200ml

SKU : 70898

Carrot Sun Carrot Tanning Spray is designed to help you achieve a deep, rich tan quickly, making it ideal for those with olive skin or fair skin that already has a base tan. This self tanner formula comes in an easy-to-apply spray bottle for quick use. It includes natural tan accelerators such as L-Tyrosine and carrot oil, which support the skin's tanning process by providing essential nutrients during sun exposure or in a tanning bed. Carrot oil is rich in carotene antioxidants, vitamin A, and omega-3 fatty acids, offering moisturizing and cell-regenerative benefits. It contains beta carotene, which provides a subtle bronze tint to the skin, contributing to the signature golden glow. L-Tyrosine, an amino acid that stimulates melanin production, allowing you to achieve your desired tan with less sun exposure. Additionally, the inclusion of henna enhances your color, resulting in a stunning golden hue while prolonging the life of your tan. Henna, being a natural plant extract, imparts a rich golden glow and helps maintain the tan for weeks, ensuring a long-lasting and evenly fading color. Carrot Sun Carrot Tanning Spray.

  • Can be used in the sun or on sunbeds, it can be applied over SPF lotion.

  • Accelerates the tanning process for a deep, rich tan
  • Supports the skin's natural tanning process
  • Helps you achieve a stunning golden hue and prolong tan longevity
  • Provides a slight bronze color to enhance the skin's glow
  • Stimulates melanin production, reducing sun exposure time needed for tanning
  • Henna helps maintain and evenly fade the tan for weeks

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Carrot Sun Carrot Tanning Spray 200ml
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