Clearblue Pregnancy Test Kit For Early Detection
Clearblue® Early Detection Pregnancy Test Kit offers a reliable way to detect the pregnancy hormone (human chorionic gonadotropin - HCG) with over 99% accuracy from the day you expect your period. This Early detection pregnancy test detects human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), a hormone produced shortly after conception, which begins to rise rapidly once a fertilized egg implants in the uterus. HCG levels double every few days during the early weeks of pregnancy, making it a key indicator of pregnancy. With this pregnancy detection kit, there’s no need to visit a gynecologist, as it provides quick results in just few minutes, making the process convenient and straightforward.
Clearblue® Home pregnancy test allows you to obtain results up to six days before your missed period, detecting pregnancy five days prior to your expected date. With its high sensitivity, it can identify HCG levels as low as 10 mIU/ml. Designed for ease of use, it features an extra-wide tip for simple sampling and innovative Floodguard™ Technology, which minimizes user errors. Additionally, the DualSense™ Technology helps reduce the likelihood of false positive results in a small number of cases, making it a dependable choice for early pregnancy detection.
- Read the directions that come with the test thoroughly before starting the test, and follow every step exactly.
- Try to use your first morning pee if you can. This is the time of day when your HCG levels will be the most concentrated and easily detected.
- Don’t drink excessive amounts of fluids before you take a pregnancy test. This can dilute (thin out) your HCG levels.
- You could also take two pregnancy tests to confirm you get the same result.
- Allows easy at home pregnancy test
- Easy at home HCG test provides a convenient and private way for women
- Instant result pregnancy test with easy-to-read indicators allows quick interpretation
- Convenient design ensures a mess-free testing experience
- Simple to use, requiring no medical expertise or equipment