Now Essential Oil Lavender & Tea Tree Oil For Aromatherapy combines aromatic and stimulating tea tree essential oil with floral scented lavender oil to support a variety of health conditions. It helps to relax the mind, enhance mood, and unwind after a hard day. Tea Tree Essential Oil's high antimicrobial capabilities help to purify the air by destroying microorganisms and bacteria, offering protection against infections. Its camphoraceous and woody aroma helps to refresh the environment. Lavender Essential Oil's soothing and lovely perfume is also known to eliminate undesirable odors and freshen the air in the space. It is known to alleviate stress and anxiety by lowering cortisol, a stress hormone. To ease tension, diffuse a few drops of Lavender & Tea Tree Essential Oil in your living room after a long and stressful day, or by your bed before going to bed. With the aroma of Now's Essential Oils, you may transform your space into a peaceful and quiet environment! They provide an amazing aromatherapy experience. Now's Essential Oils are carefully formulated to elicit a sense of calm, joy, or enthusiasm, and they contain the power of nature's best components to enhance emotional and physical well-being. Essential oils are now analytically analyzed for identity, purity, and adulteration to ensure excellent quality. NOW insists on the greatest raw materials, sensitive manufacturing processes, and an industry-leading commitment to quality when creating their essential oils. Diffuse Lemongrass Essential Oil in your living room to unwind after a stressful day.