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Prospan Cough Syrup 100ml


Prospan® is the number 1 herbal cough medicine worldwide, it is suitable for all family members, from newborns to adults. What distinguishes it, is its pleasant cherry taste. Prospan® effectively relieves cough, and enhancing your quality of life by providing relief from cough symptoms.

  • Shake it before using the product.
  • Use the measuring cup provided with the bottle.
  • Do not store it in the fridge.
  • Keep out of the reach of children.

  • Liquefies Mucus.
  • Helps you breath more freely.
  • Relieves coughing.
  • Relieves inflammation.

What is the right Dosage?

Prospan® syrup dosage form:

  • Less than a year: 2.5 ML twice a day.
  • 1 to 5 years 2.5 ML twice a day.
  • 6 to 9 years: 5 ML twice a day.
  • 10 years and above: 5 ML Three times a day.

Prospan® medicine is a unique and exceptional extract derived from ivy leaf.

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