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Sekem Organic Green Tea, Tea Bags 25's

SKU : 71431

Classic green tea - a must for every lover of fine-tart taste. The high-quality green tea comes from a long-term biodynamic partner SEKEMs from India. In a plantation in the Indian mountains, the green tea leaves grow and mature under ideal conditions, allowing them to develop their full aroma.

The green tea leaves are briefly heated after wilting, so that almost all good active ingredients of the fresh leaves are preserved.

  • Ready to eat - Enjoy it guilt free.

  • 100% Organic
  • Has a calming effect on the stomach and intestines.
  • Good for weight loss
  • It contains caffeine, green tea contains many healthy ingredients
  • Such as vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin B2, calcium, potassium, magnesium, copper or zinc.

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Sekem Organic Green Tea, Tea Bags 25's
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