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Z+Aid Nebulizer Mask Adult

SKU : 80652

The DuoMask demonstrates Lifecare's ability to listen to the market and deliver solutions that improve patient care, while improving efficiency and reducing costs. This multi-purpose mask is available in adult and paediatric versions. The DuoMask offers medium, controlled and high concentration oxygen therapy, as well as aerosol and nebuliser therapy all in one flexible system. The DuoMask eliminates the need to stock multiple masks thereby saving money and reducing wastage. Tree simple conversions can convert this mask easily and quickly into five different oxygen therapy solutions.

The product description information provided above is intended solely as an indicative reference and has been sourced from the respective product manufacturer and/or supplier. While we make every effort to ensure the accuracy of this information, it is important to note that it may be subject to inherent limitations, potentially resulting in incomplete or inaccurate details regarding the product. We strongly advise treating this information as a basic guide and recommend verifying the specifics of the product upon its physical receipt. This includes details regarding proper application, potential side effects, ingredients, and any guidelines or warnings. If you have any questions or concerns about the product, please contact one of our in-store pharmacists or call 800BINSINA for further assistance.
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